MFWD only. AccuGuide Ready Required.
Fits Case MX Magnum:
MX180, MX190, MX210, MX215, MX225, MX230, MX235, MX245, MX255, MX260, MX275, MX285, MX290, MX305, MX315, MX335, MX340
New Holland Models:
T8010, T8020, T8030, T8040, T8050
T8.275, T8.300, T8.330, T8.360, T8.390
1. This installation kit is specific to the CASEIH and New Holland models listed above that have factory installed AccuGuide hydraulics. If your machine does not have AccuGuide hydraulics or you are unsure of your machine compatibility, contact your local dealer before continuing this installation.
2. Two different wheel angle sensor (WAS) adapter cables are supplied with this kit and only one of them will be the right one for your model. Your machine’s computerized management system will alert you if the wrong cable is installed and it is essential that you follow the cable installation instructions carefully to enable the system to complete its check.
3. Because of slight wiring variations between some late models, you may find that after installing the correct WAS adapter cable (according to the procedure and checks described), you do not get coarse WAS readings during calibration (see the Outback eDriveX w/S3 User Guide or Outback MAX Help). If this occurs, you will need to make a small modification to one of the WAS adapter cables and use that. Instructions are provided (see page 10).
Install Guide and eDriveXC supplemental notes: