- An Auxiliary Controller (aka Aux Controller) is a physical controller (joystick, switchbox, etc.) that can be programmed to control an ISOBUS implement–The assigning of the auxiliary functions (i.e. what button controls what function) is done via the Universal Terminal
- On the Outback MAX–Go to Menu-> Settings-> ISO VT-> Aux Input Settings
- Aux Controllers permit control of an implement that is not currently displayed on the UT
- Examples -When both an Air Cart and NH3 applicator are in use and/or an Air Cart and Blockage monitor are in use
- Aux Controllers permit control of selected implement functions without interacting with the -UT Many operators find physical switches/buttons to be more intuitive than touchscreens.
- The Aux Controller is typically located in the cab, on a console or window bracket
- –Examples of various Aux Controller
- –Examples of various Aux Controller
- How does the Aux Controller work?
–Operator uses the UT to program the Aux Controller by matching an “input” to a “function”
- Input is simply a signal (CAN message) controlled by a switch
- Function is something the operator wants to control on the implement
–Example: Rate increase/decrease, fan speed, raise/lower, etc.
- The Aux Controller has no knowledge of the function it is performing
- What do you want each switch to do?
Aux inputs are configured in Menu->Settings->ISOVT->Aux Controllers