S2 (Click for more articles)
- Released in 2005 - WAAS, eDif, EGNOS, or OmniStar correction signals - 360 functional - eDrive functional - Automate functional - Provide GPS signal through RS232 port - Provide ground speed with GSI option - 30 hours of memory
Wiring Diagrams
Basic Guidance
- How do I set my A/B lines on my S2
- How do I shift an A/B line on my S2
- How do I snap an A/B line on my S2
- How do I set an A+ Direction on my S2
- How do I use Contour Guidance on my S2
Frequently Asked Questions
- S2 Frequently Asked Questions
- How can I tell if I am getting power to my antenna
- How do I configure my S2
- How do I know when my GPS is ready on the S2 Console
- S2 repairs 2018