MAX (Click for more articles)
Outback MAX redefines simplicity in precision farming.The system works seamlessly with eDriveX™ SDriveXC™ with eTurns™and features section and variable rate control within the rugged, high-definition console. Full-featured monitoring and guidance is possible through Outback MAX with optional switch box and lightbar that conveniently attach to the console. Compatible with eDriveX, eDriveTC, eDriveXC, eDriveXD, AC110 and Advanced Multi Product ISO Control.
User's Guide
Wiring Diagrams
Basic Guidance
- How do I Set an A=B Line on the MAX?
- How do I Set an A+ Direction Line on the MAX?
- How do I set Contour Paths on the MAX?
- How do I use Contour Lock on the MAX?
- How do I create Pivot Paths with the MAX?
Vehicles and Implements
- How do I add a New Vehicle on the MAX?
- How do I Edit a Vehicle on the MAX?
- Can I export/import vehicles and implements between MAX’s and REBEL’s?
- How do I Export a Vehicle from MAX?
- How do I Add an Implement to the MAX?
Jobs and Templates
- How do I start a New Job on the MAX?
- How do I use a Job Template on the MAX?
- How do I create a Job Template on the MAX?
- How do I Delete Jobs on the MAX?
- How do I Close a Job on the MAX?
Correction Type
- How do I set and view my GPS Correction Type and Subscriptions on the MAX?
- How do I find the eDif Status on the MAX?
- How do I find my RTK Status on the MAX?
- How do I set up my Radio Link for RTK on the MAX?
- Receiver Status and Diagnostics on the MAX
- ESi Diagnostics and Status on the MAX
- Where do I find my eDrive Calibration Summary on the MAX?
- How do I get to the eDriveX Diagnostics Menu on the MAX?
- What are eTurns and how do I use it on the MAX?
- What is Steering Sensitivity and Attack on a MAX?
Rate and Section Control
- Rate and Section Control Overview on MAX
- The MAX on-screen boom controls are not enabled
- Rate and Section Control Diagnostics on the MAX
- How do I use Section Control on the MAX?
- The rate control switch box will not connect to the cable 051-0269-000# labeled "Switch" .
- Can I get coverage data from my Outback onto Field Notes?
- Mapping Options on the MAX
- How do I change Map Views, Perspectives, and Positions on the MAX?
- What are Applied Color Maps on the MAX?
- How do I set Boundaries on the MAX?
Frequently Asked Questions
- Will my AC110 work with my MAX and MaveriX systems?
- Can the MAX receive ATLAS corrections?
- Why Are My Vehicles, Implements, and/or Favorites Set to Default on My MAX?
- How do I know if my MAX Rover is receiving RTK?
- How do I set up my MAX Networking (WIFI/iPhone Mobile Hotspot)?