Note: Existing MAX users, who have previously worked with jobs in MAX, should review the task overview topics thoroughly before working with tasks.
A task is an individual working event taking place on a field. Each task is stored in a TASKDATA.xml file and each TASKDATA file can have one or more tasks.
The purpose of using TASKDATA.xml files (and tasks) is to conform to industry standards for communication between your system (MAX) and Farm Management Information Systems (FMIS). An FMIS is typically a PC application that enables you to create tasks with specific inputs, such as variable rate information. After completing (finishing, in MAX terminology) a task, you can export task information to your FMIS to view such data as coverage or skips.
Task Controller Subscriptions
Task functionality requires a subscription and is available in two variations:
• Task Controller Advanced - enables functionality for variable rate application (VRC), TASKDATA.xml, ISOBUS section control for a single boom/implement (up to 16 sections)
• Task Controller Multi Product - includes all functionality of Task Controller advanced and adds capability to support up to five booms/implements (50 total booms, 32 total sections)
- TASKS mode is active when any ISOBUS TC subscription is added
- Menu system has changed to fit TASKDATA.xml and ISOBUS Task Controller requirements
- Workflow is centered around task planning and data exchange with FMIS
- Export any implements, vehicles, jobs, or templates to USB drive before subscribing
- TASKS mode has strict rules about the state of data before it can be moved into or out of the terminal – example, Tasks cannot be exported without being in a Completed state.
- Moving data from legacy JOBS mode to TASKS mode is possible, however coverage data (green swath) is not transferred; only boundaries, waylines, markers, etc…
- No Products button on Main Menu, Waylines button added to main menu, Jobs button is renamed to Tasks
Task Terminology
• Field – Contains all attributes of a working location such as boundaries, markers, and waylines
• Task hierarchy (Client > Farm > Field) - A task event utilizes attributes from the hierarchy below (for example, your task may be '2016 Pre Spray Beans'). Additional items associated with a Task event include: implement, vehicle, operator, Rx (prescription) map. Event-specific data includes: coverage map, As-Applied map, Process Data, Totals.
TASKDATA – file that contains information on all Fields, Tasks, Implements, Vehicles, VR Rx’s
• Process Data – application information generated by the implement during a Task and logged to the TASKDATA file so that it can be mapped in real time or post process (for example, gallons/acre, tank volume, bales/Ha)
• Totals – data generated by the implement during a task and logged to the TASKDATA file where it is available for display in real time
• Dummy implement - non-ISOBUS and non-AC110 implement that is not controlling or logging anything except coverage
• Server – the MAX terminal acts as an ISO-UT and Task Controller server for connection with ISOBUS implements (clients)
• Client – implement/machine ECU on the BUS communicating with the terminal (server)
Task Status
The status of a task will be one of the following:
• Initial - When you create a task it has an Initial status. You must manually start a task to change it to Running status.
• Running - A task must be running for you to apply product to a field (pressing Apply with a non-running task displays this message).
• Paused - You can restart a paused task later, but you must first load the task.
• Completed - You cannot restart a completed task. You can export only completed tasks.
• Export any implements, vehicles, jobs, or templates to USB drive before entering Task Controller subscriptions
• Moving data from a legacy job to a task is unidirectional (you cannot move data from a task to a job)
• There are strict rules regarding importing/exporting task data (for example, a task must be in a Completed state before you can export it)